Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Squirrel Sign

People used to hunt squirrels as much as they hunt deer today. It was a fun sport trying to find and shoot these crafty little animals. Before the season opened men would go into the woods and look for "squirrel sign". There were lots of sign to signal that squirrels were present and active in an area. One of those sign indicators was the eating of hickory nuts(see photo). A squirrel did not have to open a hickory nut entirely to pick out the meat of the nut. Their claws and teeth did that. If a hickory tree was especially heavily laden with nuts, the ground would be littered with nut droppings from squirrel eating activity. What did that mean to a hunter? Just slip up to that tree before dawn, sit quitely, and wait for the squirrels to come to you. Sometimes you could get your limit from just one tree.

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