Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ironing Irons

Back in the old days, people didn't have electricity so they "made do" without that benefit. For ironing, they had manufactured irons (see picture). To heat the iron, you would set it on the eye of a wood stove or on the fireplace hearth until it was as hot as you wanted it..........then iron with it. Everyone had two or more irons to save time when ironing. There were about as many shapes of irons as there were chickens in the hen house. But they all had one thing in common.......they were all black. Some were larger than others, but generally they were small and as lightweight as possible to do the job because the job of ironing fell to the women and girls. There was many a burn from irons and dropped irons. It was something to be careful with at all times. Aren't ya glad that you have electric irons today?

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