Monday, December 22, 2008

Early Lawnmowers

Remember when people didn't have lawnmowers? The lawnmower back in early days was a combination of sedge-brooms (see photo) and chickens, geese, and turkeys. Turf maintenance was not a "term" in those days. The only turf maintenance plan was, "don't allow ANY grass to grow in the yard". That meant, sweeping the yard everyday or just about every day. If grass or weed seeds did sprout, the chickens and geese ate them as they wondered around looking for stuff to eat. Sometimes people also used twigs and/or small limbs for brooms. The brooms were held together by jute, string, wire, horse hair, yucca fiber rope, or anything else that worked. They didn't have any Gorilla Glue back then.

Today, we have mechanical, powerful lawnmowers that you ride. Won't be long til they made 'em that are airconditioned. Won't that be something.

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