In early times people did a lot of fishing in creeks and streams. These places were extremely productive with catfish, white perch, trout, bluegill, and sunfish. Most people fished with cane poles and live bait such as shinners, worms, crickets, and wasp larve. On July 4th there would be so many people camped along the creek that it was difficult just to reach the bank. The good thing was...........everybody caught fish. Just find a hole deep enough to hide your hook and you had fish. Sometimes at the end of the day there would be 75 or more open fires going cooking fish. The aroma was something to be remembered.
Many factors have contributed to the end of creek fishing. Some of them are: more posted land; people preferring to fish in lakes; people now fish from boats; and there are more fish in large lakes.
Be that as it may.........creek fishing was the way to go at one time. The excited voices of children yelling "Mamma, I caught one!: was heard over and over, up and down the creek.
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