Monday, November 10, 2008

Whitwashing Tree Trucks

An old proverb says "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". That's as true today as it was in yesteryear when people whitewashed the tree trunks in their front yard. The idea was to call attention to the beauty of their yard and improve their curb appeal.

Some people whitewashed the trunks as high as they could reach, while others whitewashed only the lower three or four feet. It didn't matter what type of tree it was....pine and hardwoods alike received the beautification efforts. Size didn't matter either. If it was in the front yard, it got whitewashed. Most people used white in this activity, but other colors were sometimes used. It depended on the artistic flare of the painter.

Used tires were also whitewashed and used as flower beds. They were scattered at random around the yard. Some people cut the rims here and there to form some kind of pattern. This was suppose to improve their visual appeal.

What????? Did you say that those "improvements" looked tacky? Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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