Thursday, November 20, 2008

Early Wire Fencing Patterns

The mass manufacturing of steel wire fencing created a revolution in America. Barbed wire alone caused many a war out West. In other parts of America it was "the" answer to fencing in or out unwanted animals. It also helped mark landlines in a very tangible way. Fences were often placed on the landline to define where ownership started and stopped. For the yard, fences kept livestock from trampling and eating flowers and vegetable gardens. They kept a lot of animal poop out of the yard to.

Manufacturers produced a lot of wire patters for various uses. For instance there was: hog wire that was thick guage and tough, chicken wire that was thin guage but woven with small holes, and decorative wire that was produced more for fashion than function. The pattern in the photo was one of those early patterns. Finding this particular pattern is rare today.

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