Monday, November 10, 2008


In the early history of the U.S., making quilts was as common as making cornbread. Just about every woman had her quilting square and taught her daughters how to use it. This was a practical way of using cloth scraps for something sueful. The activity wasn't difficult; it just took a lot of time. Sometimes quilting was a social function. Quilting parties were common and a good way for women to gather and talk about community and family events.

There were about as many patterns for quilts as trees in the forest. Some were simple and some were very complex. Everyone had their favorite and didn't mind telling you what it was. The bow tie was one of those favorites. Quilts were also a way for a woman to show off her artictic side with her stitching, patterns, and color flair.

Quilts are in many houses today, but the old time way of making them is a thing of the past.

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